galea|galeae in English


calyx or corolla shaped like a helmet (Botany)

Use "galea|galeae" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "galea|galeae" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "galea|galeae", or refer to the context using the word "galea|galeae" in the English Dictionary.

1. Is dum sublimatur, in uase uitreo, galeae simillimo (Arabes Alembicum uocant) excipitur: itaque dentes Draconis Iasoni in Galea afferuntur, ut seminis eos ldco in agrum martium spargat

2. The epicranial Aponeurosis (Aponeurosis epicranialis, galea aponeurotica) is an Aponeurosis (a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue) which covers the upper part of the cranium in humans and various other animals

3. Alembicus sive Alembicum (a nomine Arabico الإنبيق al-inbīq, a Graeco ὁ ἄμβῑξ, -ῑκος, lagoenae species), quod etiam "capitellum" sive "galea" appellatur, proprie dicitur ea pars instrumenti destillationis quae in modum operculi cucurbitae imponitur, in tubulum exiens …